Suvarna Aesthetics

Arm & Thigh Reductions


Arm & Thigh Reductions

Arm & Thigh Reductions

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Brachioplasty surgery removes the skin fold hanging from the upper arms, sometimes known as dinner lady arms, bingo wings or batwings.  Inner arm lift surgery is very effective at removing excessive skin, especially if someone has lost a vast amount of weight and is carrying unsightly folds of skin where fat used to be. If you have arms with excessive fat and would like a more slender, sculpted appearance you may wish to consider liposuction, as arm lifts can leave fairly long scarsThe operation, involves removing the excess skin from the inner arm (or where the scar will be less obvious) by making an incision which may extend from the inner elbow to the underarm.  Large excesses may require extension of the scar across the armpit, whilst smaller areas for removal may allow limitation of the scar to the armpit only (mini brachioplasty).

Brachioplasty surgery will be performed under a general anaesthetic and you will need to stay in the hospital for one or two nights.

You will be advised to take a couple of weeks off to recover and avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity.

Thigh Lift

The thigh lift operation involves making an incision around the groin area and the excess skin is pulled upwards before removal. Larger surpluses of skin are removed by extending the scar down the inner thigh. Although this surgery can be a fairly extensive procedure, it is effective in dealing with the problem of excess loose skin on the thighs.

Thigh lift surgery will be performed under a general anaesthetic and you will need to stay in the hospital for one or two nights. You will need to take great care with your scars and there will be bruising and swelling, which will usually subside after a few weeks.

When it’s time for you to leave hospital, you will be given a follow up appointment with your doctor, for the removal of any stitches, together with any medication prescribed.

You will be advised to take a couple of weeks or more off work and avoid physical exercise for about a month.

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