Getting to your ideal desirable body shape can be challenging and daunting you can diet and exercise regularly and watch the needle on your weighing scale fall, yet your abdomen remains stubbornly flabby and shapeless. There are many scenarios in which a tummy tuck offers an ideal solution, starting with those people who have recently lost considerable weight, only to be met by flabby skin that belies their great efforts and hopes. When you gain weight, abdominal skin stretches, and your tummy muscles separate to accommodate the increased amount of fat in your abdomen. The scenario is the same, if you’ve been pregnant, your abdomen has, quite literally, been pushed to its limits. If you think you’re done having children, a tummy tuck is a great way to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body. Another common problem is simply aging. As one grows older, the skin loses its collagen content, the structural protein responsible for its support and strength to the skin, as a result, the skin sags, especially in those areas where your weight fluctuates. By performing a tummy tuck, we can remove this excess saggy skin to tighten up and tone your belly. The Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck procedure involves getting rid of the loose skin, removing the fat deposits from the area and repairing and toning up the weakened abdominal muscles. After tummy tuck procedure, you have to be watchful and cautious for six weeks as it’s the of recovery time for your tissues to heal. Once you complete your recovery, you’ll be thrilled to see your flatter, more toned-up belly. And, if you start planning now, you can debut this great newly contoured tummy, in time for summer.
To prepare for a Tummy Tuck, you need to bear in mind the following facts:
- You need to be healthy- Surgery is not for the faint hearted and not without risks. If you have serious medical problems, a tummy tuck may not be safe for you. You need to stay fit and have to keep any existing medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, etc in control
- Stop smoking 4 weeks before the surgery- It’s important to be nicotine and smoke-free for a minimum of four weeks prior to surgery, as smoking can have a detrimental effect on your ability to heal. You should also refrain from using nicotine patches or any nicotine based products during this time
- Doing light exercises and keep moving concentrate on walking, gentle stretching, or yoga. Keeping the circulation going without overdoing it is key.
- Stay hydrated- One of the most essential thing you can do before your tummy tuck is to stay hydrated. Water helps your body to function at its best, and hydration is crucial for healing, too.
- Avoid Alcohol and watch what you eat- A glass of wine then and now, might seem harmless, but alcohol can certainly thin your blood and impact your liver’s ability to produce clotting factors and to process medications. Eliminating alcohol altogether for a few weeks before surgery will give your body the best chance to heal quickly and get the best outcome.
- Drugs to be avoided- Blood thinners, like aspirin or clopidigel, can increase bleeding risk during surgery and should be stopped at least 3 days before, after consulting your physician. Even common pain relievers like ibuprofen, diclofenac etc can pose risks and need to be stopped days in advance. Some herbal supplements like garlic can interfere with surgery and healing and need to be stopped.
Set up your home for a smooth recovery
Create a comfortable resting space for you, and make sure your necessities like medications, compression garments, ice packs, books, laptop, or entertainment are all within arm’s reach. Opt for a bedroom in the ground floor, so that you can avoid the strain of getting up and down the stairs during your phase of recovery. Keeping everything ready ahead of time will reduce your stress levels and will allow you to focus on healing after the surgery.
Stay tuned with Suvarna Aesthetics for further details about Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty: Surgery, Recovery, Risks. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon, and seek information from Dr. M.S. Jayasekhar, an internationally acclaimed plastic surgeon.